Drew, Luci and I got back Saturday afternoon from our week at Gramma and Papa C's house. We had such a great time, and did so much! Drew also learned SO MANY new words, like "pretty" "bubbles" "Drew" "Luci" and everyone else's names, "please" "thank you" and so much more! (I'm not sure if this means I wasn't paying Drew enough attention before, or if having so many people talking to him prompted him to talk back!) THANK YOU to Uncles Justin and Jeremy, for spending so much time with us, and to Grammy and Papa as always, for everything!!

Luci enjoying the large, fenced in backyard!

Parading with Papa

Swimming with Mom...in the kitchen?!?!?

Reading with Gramma


Taking a "spritzer" bath in the kitchen sink...a necessity almost every night!!

Now we're swimming, with help from Uncle Justin and Uncle Jeremy.

Blowing bubbles, something he learned at swimming lessons.

Blowing more bubbles!

Making Kool-aid

An occasional pouty face

Whoa, I almost missed ya Drew...you're swinging so high!

Feeding the goats!

If this is the kind of mess boys always get into....
Thanks a lot, Jeremy & Justin!
Looks like it was a good time. Thanks for making the trek to the cities to see me for a day I had a great time and wish we could do that more often.