Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bye-bye, Ba-Ba

With all the "firsts" in Drew's life, we often forget about all the "lasts."

I just put Drew to bed for the first time without a bottle. Last night was his last one...we're out of formula, and the bottles have been washed and stored away in the cupboard. We'll see how tonight goes. I'm a little nervous that Drew won't sleep through the night since he's used to a bedtime snack. I did give him a few bananas and a cereal bar, along with his milk, before reading books and putting him in bed. I might get lucky, though, considering I dosed him with Benadryl before laying him down. He hasn't been feeling well the last couple days and, consequently, not sleeping well. Last night at 3am, I finally conceded to the medicine, to help dry up his runny nose and help him (and me) sleep better. It must have worked...he woke up at 9:45 this morning!

I frowned a little today. Brad put together a DVD of Drew's first year, made from our home videos. I watched it today, and found myself sad. Watching Drew at 3 and 5 and 8 months old just reminded me that he'll never be that little baby again! That whole thing about how fast time flies...totally true. I miss my baby Drew...but...I don't miss waking in the night, or washing bottles, or not getting the toilets cleaned for an insanely, and totally inappropriate, length of time (that's just gross). I do really enjoy the stage Drew's at right now, as he begins to explore and discover and become more independent. I'm glad we have the video...I can relive those baby moments without having to relive the sleep deprivation!

1 comment:

  1. That just makes me all the happier we dont' have a video camera. The pictures are hard enough for me to look at.

    YEAH for Drew and the bottle. We haven't gotten rid of them at our house yet. Grace only gets two though one in the morning and one at night. I havne't felt the need to get rid of them quite yet since she is drinking out of a sippy cup during the day. Maybe by the time we see you in March we will be bottle free.
