Let me set the stage.
Drew's story cards are, by far, his favorite "toy", second only to teddy. He loves these cards! He holds them, carries them, stacks them, sorts them, deals them, he would probably sleep with them if we let him! They go almost everywhere with us, and as obsessive as I am about making sure all the toys are in their place at the end of the day, I count all 16 cards before I put them in their box.
In the mornings, if Brad has already headed off to work, Drew plays in our bedroom and our bathroom while I shower and get myself ready for the day. This morning was as it should be; Brad at church, me in the shower and Drew playing away. When I was finished and opened the shower curtain, I saw Drew standing at the toilet, story cards in hand, with the toilet seat down. (You can see where this is going, I'm sure.) Now, I don't have the best vision, and without my contacts in or glasses on, I couldn't see much, but I could tell that the cards Drew had in his hand did not number 16. It was then that I saw his hand reach to lift the toilet seat lid. "No way!" I thought to myself... but sure enough, this is what I saw when I lifted the toilet seat...
Any other toy could have been tossed into urine, and it would have been no big deal. But being as these are Drew's FAVORITE, they needed to be replaced. So I prayed all morning that WalMart would still have them there, and after church I made a trip to the store. God must have been smiling on Drew (and his parents...I was pretty devastated over the whole ordeal!) because his old peed-on story cards have indeed been replaced!!
Noah wants to know "Why did Drew throw his books in the potty?" As hard as it is to explain to a three year, it is even harder to explain how wee-little brains think of such crazy things to do! I'm glad to hear that Walmart pulled through and Drew has all 16 cards once again. Lesson for Mom...never underestimate the mind of a one year old:)