So, I'm in my third year of this whole documenting our lives thing, using the Picture of the Day format the last two years and now doing a weekly format. And while I realize that my blog is intended to be read by family and friends, and that the bulk of you have no real interest in any of this {which by all means, stop reading now and check in again later this week for more cute photos and stories} ... here's my real purpose in sharing this:
I love this project because it documents the here and now. It tells
our story, one in which won't be told again unless I'm intentional about recording it. It's easy. I'm including words and photos that, although to anyone else looking at it might appear to be boring and mundane, tell a real and true story of our lives right now. And recording our story has become so, so important to me. And maybe seeing everything come together will inspire you, too, to record your story. Maybe you'll use
Project Life products, maybe you'll go a different route entirely. The important part is the preservation of your story. Because you, and your family, are important.
{Side note: In telling our story, some things are personal. So there are a few things blurred out in the following pictures...just move right along past that.}
So, for anyone reading that is interested, I wanted to share the process and products I use - briefly.
HERE to read about my new approach for Project Life this year.}
I usually use Saturday night and Sunday as my photo processing/editing/selecting days. I go through the photos from the week and select the ones that I definitely want to use in that week's layout. I then use this
page planner to map out the layout. Because I don't develop my photos at home, and I typically wait for a good promo code to use through Snapfish or Shutterfly, it takes a few weeks to get the photos for my pages. But that doesn't mean I can't work on everything else. I'll go ahead and get the journaling done for the layout, and include any extras I've decided to use, and finish it all up so that when the pictures are developed, I just need to pop them in.
Let's take a look, shall we?
Week 1
Week 1, left side
{The "2012 Goals" cards are courtesy of
Plucky Momo, found
HERE. Every Friday she has a free download suitable for Project Life, or whatever suits your fancy. Worth checking out.}
{I ran out of space for journaling on this photo, so I slit open the backside of that pocket to include a little hidden journaling card that can be pulled out.}
Week 1, right side
Week 2
Week 2, left side
{One of my favorite things is to divide up the 4x6 pocket to house two 3x4 items. I love the versatility of these page protectors!}
Week 2, right side
{Another new favorite technique? Chopping up the kit journaling cards to make banners or other journal spots to place directly on top of the photos. And yes, I know there's a typo on this one. Oh well. :) }
Week 3
Week 3, left side
Week 3, right side
{I'm waiting on a photo for that bottom right pocket, which will also house a little journaling.}
Week 4
{I used my first insert (Design G) this week. We had tons of photos from Drew's birthday festivities, and I needed the extra space to include all of it.}
Week 4, left side
{I wanted to include more on our sweet friend Yvonne, who passed away this week. I created my own flip pocket to use, and I love it! I'll definitely be doing this more. It houses the memorial folder from her funeral, as well as some journaling.}
{Using this week in the life approach instead of a picture each day has allowed me to include some smaller stories that don't necessarily have a photo to go along with them (Drew's quip above). Or to include a picture that doesn't necessarily need any explanation (hopefully it's assumed we watched the Smurfs this week by including the movie poster).}
{Front of the insert includes snow pictures from the week...}
{...and the back was all about Drew's 5th birthday.}
Week 4, right page
{To couple with the back side of the insert, this page is all about Drew's birthday party.}
Week 5
{This layout isn't totally complete. I have yet to receive the 6x12 page protector that I'll use as an insert to include a long journaler about Brad's medical experiences. You can see here that I also included an 8 1/2 x11 protector that I cut to size to fit the homemade get well cards the boys made for Brad.}
Week 5, left side
Week 5, right size
{I'm also waiting on a picture for the bottom right pocket that will come when I order prints again.}
So there you have it!
Five weeks, totally documented, here to be remembered forever.
I love this.
And if you love this and want to see more examples of Project Life, click on the link below.