Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When the Biggest Big Guy Has a Birthday...

...we want to throw him a party.

But mama worked two shifts today and spent a grand total of four waking hours with all three boys today.

When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we want to give him lots of gifts.

But with mama's work schedule, shopping didn't happen and when she attempted to take the boys to the store yesterday after their dentist appointments, not much was accomplished.  

When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we want to let him sleep in.


When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we want to send him golfing.

It rained.

When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we want to take him to dinner.

Again, that whole mama working thing.

When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we want to make him a cake.

Whew!  We got something done! {Cake idea taken from HERE.}
{Thanks for the idea, Missy!}

When the biggest big guy has a birthday, we can tell him how sorry we are this his day was a flop.  
We'll tell him that we'll party for the next few days to make up for it. :)
We can tell him that we love him sooooo much and don't know what we'd do without him.  
We can tell him just how crazy we are about him.
And that we think he's pretty super.

So we'll do that instead.


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