Our church hosted a Thanksgiving luncheon today, complete with turkey and all the trimmings. The meal was delicious, and a time of community and fellowship was very enjoyable.
Brad and I did the unthinkable this morning - we willingly took the boys to Toys R Us to make their Christmas lists for Santa! Amazingly enough, we were able to get through the store with only a few minor meltdowns and we left completely empty-handed!
I've written before about Drew's affection for Mater. He's had this book for only about 9 months, but it has taken quite a beating due to reading after reading after reading. Several pages have been taped back into the book several times, and I'm pretty sure every single page has some kind of tear in it. Buying a new one was going to be a better investment than to keep taping this puppy back together. I promised Drew I'd pick him up a new copy while he was at school today. He was pretty excited when I gave it to him. (And NO TEARS and NO CLINGING when I dropped him off today! Not sure if that's because of the Mater book promise, or because it was his snack and show and tell day today. Either way...YAY!)
The boys woke up this morning to a special surprise! My parents arrived late last night, after the boys were already in bed. We hadn't told the boys they were coming, so what a shock when they woke up to see Grammy and Papa!
Thanksgiving Day was filled with a parade, food, ads, football, and family.
What a wonderful day!
Thanksgiving is over. Christmas has begun!
I started decorating for Christmas today, starting with our tree. We only have a small, four-foot tree that we perch up on an end table to make it appear bigger than it actually is. This also keeps it away from Reed's curious fingers. We ended up only hanging ornaments on the top half of the tree. It looks a little silly, but it is going to save me from a lot of frustration and broken ornaments!
Brad did his own post-Thanksgiving shopping today, and bought us a new TV for the family room. He had much assistance in assembling it.
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