The past several days have been kind of a whirlwind, and as a result, my Halloween ducks were not in row! Last week we had visits from both sets of grandparents, one agonizing ear infection, four doctors appointments, one Halloween party, and a quickie trip to Chicago for a friend's wedding to top it all off. Any fun Halloween ideas I had were either rearranged or nixed all together, which made for a very busy and short week!
And one hectic week just leads into another one as I try to catch up on all the things I wanted to get done last week, but didn't. Like blogging.
But enough whining already. Moving on...
One of the things I wanted to do with the boys was make Halloween cookies. We did get this accomplished Wednesday of last week...a sprinkled floor and chocolate lips were the end result!

We started with ghost cookies, which is Nutter Butter cookies covered in almond bark, with mini chocolate chips for their eyes. I dipped the cookies, and Drew did the eyes. Reed tried to help, too - there were a couple ghosts that ended up with four or five eyes. :)

We also did a small batch of pumpkin shaped sugar cookies. I began frosting as Drew handled the sprinkles...

...and then he took over the frosting. I helped him squeeze and guide, but he did all the rest!
(Note his chocolate lips!)

Little Man Reed, also trying to help with the sprinkles. I would just like to thank whomever it was that invented the vacuum cleaner!
My original plan for carving pumpkins was to do it Friday afternoon. I should have known, though, that when the pumpkins sat in the back of the van for a full week after having purchased them, that they really weren't on the top of my priority to-do list! But in reality, Brad's friend got married on Saturday night, and instead of making a one-day two-way trip to Chicago, we took off late Friday afternoon (after Brad's parents got here to watch the boys) for the city and had a little extra "just us" time. Some much needed "just us" time, I might add, and consequently, the pumpkin carving had to wait.
Sunday afternoon, after long naps and just before wrangling the boys into their costumes, I knocked out one of our pumpkins into a nice and friendly jack o'lantern. Drew wasn't too thrilled with it, much to my dismay. Why do my children not like the things I do for them?!?! Pumpkin guts, sharp knives, candles...maybe it is better that they aren't interested!

(Note the enthusiasm...)

I got that baby gutted and carved in less than 20 minutes, and by that time it was already 5:00. Children were already starting to make the rounds in the neighborhood, and Brad's parents were still here, wanting to see the boys in their costumes and see them trick or treat a little bit. So we got them into their costumes as quickly as we could, considering the lack of cooperation...this time from Reed.
After Drew's fit on Thursday and Reed's on Halloween night...we just might forego Halloween altogether next year.
And then I see this

and change my mind!
Meet our Yoda!

Because I felt rushed and the boys were a bit moody, we did our best with the pictures. Both boys were a little distracted...

...and a lot goofy, and when was the last time you tried to get a one and three year old to pose for pictures?! :)

We trotted off down the street to visit a few neighbors before Grandma and Grandpa headed home and we hopped in the van to visit a couple people from church.
It took Drew all of an hour after he woke up yesterday morning before he asked for a piece of candy.
And now all the effort to bribe him into a costume comes tumbling down as I explain that he can't eat candy all day long.
Should probably think of a different incentive for next year...
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