Sunday {10.24.10}
Read all about our day here - a trip to the Urgent Care for Drew because of extreme ear pain. Worst mothering day ever. No picture (yet) as taking a photo wasn't at all on my mind, but I'll swing by the hospital and take a picture of the UC sign...or something similar for today's picture.
Drew had outgrown his toddler bed, and has been asking for a "big boy" bed for a while now. We aren't ready quite yet to purchase new beds for the boys, so we did some rearranging of beds we already have to accommodate his request. He really has a big boy bed now!
I had seen these treat-or-treating bags online here and here, and thinking how adorable they are, I wanted to give it a try. My mom did the sewing, I did the hot-gluing. I was pretty happy with the way they turned out.
Reed had his evaluation for speech therapy today. You can read about it here. In sum, he does have a 35% speech delay and is eligible for weekly therapy. However, at this point, we are going to monitor him and work on some skills here at home and have him reevaluated again in three months.
Drew had his Halloween party at school today!
We had plans to make a one-day trip to Chicago for a friend's wedding on Saturday, but changed our minds last minute and left today instead. It was nice to get a little extra time, just the two of us, and while these were the things we did on Saturday to kill time before the wedding, it's a better glimpse into our whirlwind trip than a photo of the traffic on Friday night!
The view of our hotel's atrium from the 10th floor; shopping for a new dining room table; Oprah!; and the Cubbies, of course!
Tim, Steve, Brad and Ryan
Steve was married tonight in Chicago, and it was awesome for Brad to spend some time with his best friends. As a matter of fact, all three of these guys were in our wedding.
Luke Skywalker and Yoda
Each night before I go to bed, I check on both boys, cover them with their blankets and say a little prayer for them. It's a little ritual I've done since Drew was born. This was how I found Reed when I peeked in. Sweet sweet moments.
Because yes, we are that geeky.
And for the record, I was dressed first.
Each Christmas, I pick out a new ornament for each of the boys. It's a tradition that I grew up with, and one that I love passing down to my boys. This year, I thought that Drew was old enough to start picking out his own. Reed thought he was old enough too...can you say bull in a China shop?!?
Any chance I can keep these feet this small forever??
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
About a week ago, Drew surprised us by writing his own name. We were shocked! Since then, he's taken to drawing on his little DoodlePro. I really wanted to get some pictures of his work, so I asked him today to recreate them for me. These aren't as impressive as his previous work...I guess even an artist can't duplicate his own art! In case you don't see it, he drew an elephant, two dinosaurs, and an airplane. :)
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