At the beginning of the year, I blogged about a few goals I have for our little family of four. One of them was to continue to be "action" oriented - serving, loving, taking care of others; practicing gratitude; recognizing our blessings - but exactly how this would look was still unknown. I just knew that we needed to be intentional about cultivating service and gratitude into our lives and into the lives of the boys.
On a very basic level, I had the idea of recording our daily blessings. Being the pretty paper addict that I am, I wanted to create some kind of calendar that we could jot down happy things throughout our days and weeks and year. But that idea remained just that - an idea.
Enter Ashley.
(Oh, if you do not read Under the Sycamore, you need to. Go ahead. Take a peek. I'll wait.)
Ten days into the New Year, she posted this - a brilliant project revolved around recording the best of our days. The concept is simple: at the end of each day, write down the best part of it.
Being thankful.
Practicing gratitude.
So you can bet I printed out her free download (yep - you can print it, too!) and we got to work.
It is now a part of our bedtime routine. After books, before prayers, Brad, Drew and I talk about our day and we write down the best part of it. Drew requires some prompts, some "help" remembering his day. Half of January involved his Sonic game, or another game, so we're trying to expand his horizons to think broader than the XBox. :)
Drew has already gotten pretty into it. He sometimes asks while he's brushing his teeth what the best part of my day was. Or if Brad is out late at a meeting or event and isn't home for bedtime, Drew will want to be sure to find out later the best part of his day, too.
I love hearing Drew's perspective on his day. I love hearing what he loves.
I love this.
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