After uploading my photos, I realized that this week was the beginning of saying our good-byes. Five of our seven pictures revolve around seeing some of our Pekin friends for the last time before we move to Minnesota. {Update for friends and family: our official moving date is now this Saturday, the 20th. Just FYI.} :)

Sunday {8.7.11}
We joined the Blands, Carlsons, and Moores for a late evening ice cream treat, wherein the ladies gifted me this set of vintage Pyrex bowls. We found them when we shopped the antique stores a few weeks ago, and the ladies knew how much I had fallen in love with these, so they surprised me with them as a going away gift. I heart those ladies! And I heart these bowls!!

Monday {8.8.11}
After a long summer of separation, Drew and best buddy Gage played again! Drew and I met Gage and his mom at the park for a good-bye playdate. I'm not sure what these guys are going to do without each other. :(

Tuesday {8.9.11}
We met up with the Allen/Ori family at McDonalds for lunch, for one last get together. There are really no words that fully express our love, appreciation, and gratitude for this family. They are gems. We will miss them deeply.
Wednesday {8.10.11}
Papers were signed and everything became final today for our separation from our church. I'm unsure what photo I'll use for today, if I'll use one at all...

Thursday {8.11.11}
Graduation day from speech therapy, and good-byes to Alison, our speech therapist.

Friday {8.12.11}
We happened to Skype with Grammy & Papa just before bedtime, so we asked Grammy if she'd read our bedtime stories. She very happily obliged. :)
Saturday {8.13.11}
The boys left today for their summer stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I forgot my camera, of course, but I'm sure that my mother-in-law will have plenty of photos to fill in for today! :)
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