Sunday, September 26, 2010

Picture of the Day, Week 38

Reed has found his way into the coloring drawer in the kitchen. He's gotten into the habit of grabbing a book and the crayon case, marching into the living room, having himself a seat, and "coloring" for a good two minutes. :)

Last week I posted a picture of my favorite fall TV shows. These are the shows that Brad watches. Not a lot of overlap between the two of us, which keeps our DVR quite busy, but there are a few shows of his that I find myself watching occasionally, and vice versa.

Cupcakes for snack this afternoon resulted in a major mess for me to clean up. Why don't I think these things through?!?!

Brad gets the credit for this photo, taken with his phone on his way home tonight.

My favorite part, so far, of preschool is the artwork that Drew brings home. He has something new in his backpack everyday, and I make him let me take a picture of whatever it is. It's only week three...I think he's getting a little "ah mom!" with the picture taking!

Loving this right now.
Amidst the rivalry and tug of war and boys being boys, there are these little shining moments of love and care. It was such a beautiful day today, and when I suggested we go for a walk in the wagon, Drew insisted on pulling Reed. Just love this.

Topping off my birthday celebration with my boys at Culver's. It was a really good day.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your pictures. What an AWESOME sunset, amazing...

    Hope you have a blessed week♥
