Today was Drew's Halloween party at preschool.
And I consider it a success. Especially since he didn't want to go, didn't want to wear his costume, didn't want anything to do with it.
I pulled the last weapon out of my mothering arsenal and confessed to him that I get to stay with him today at school. That got me a "what!?", followed by a big smile, and whole lotta cooperation!

Drew's class (I think there were a few missing...)
Monkey, Snow White, a witch, Luke Skywalker, Super Girl, a ballerina/princess mix (not totally sure), Tinkerbell, a ladybug, and Spiderman (Cinderella is hiding back there somewhere, too.)

I don't think he's totally sure what's going on, but looking pretty dashing between those cute girls. And may I say, I totally want to set Drew up with Super Girl (Sarah). Isn't she a doll?!?

The class got to parade around the block, stopping at a neighbor's house, the middle school up the street (where he was mistaken for Karate Kid and a ninja)...

...and a local business (again, mistaken for a "karate guy".)

Then back to the classroom for the craft project.

Decorating trick-or-treat bags for Halloween night.

Game time! Throwing bean bags into pumpkins.

Halloween cupcakes and a side order of pretzels for snack.

Obviously delish.

And finally, a story to end the day. (Read in the hallway as the party moms were cleaning up from snack.)

Drew's take-home bag, full of his Halloween goodies from the day!
Reed and I were able to stay with Drew throughout the morning. It was a shortened day because of the party, but still with just enough time to have so much fun. It was really great being able to be there with him, to see his excitement and see him in his school environment, eventhough it was a different kind of day.
YAY Hobby Horse!
YAY Halloween Parties!
YAY Drew! Er, I mean, LUKE!
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