Sunday {9.11.11}
My dad has this six-foot tall prairie grass in his backyard. Reed is pretty crazy about it. The little monkey kinda looks like he's right at home, huh?
Monday {9.12.11}
The boys and I went over to Jeremy's house this afternoon for a couple hours to play with Avery and Addy. Our fun included bike rides around the cul-de-sac. (Addy and Reed are in the bike carrier.)
Tuesday {9.13.11}
My mom's birthday is Thursday, but we celebrated tonight by having dinner and cupcakes at Jeremy & Ashley's. "Happy Birthday, Grammy!"
Wednesday {9.14.11}
I have a list of projects a mile long that I want to complete while we are in this time of transition and I have Brad home full-time. Among them - refinishing these end tables. I had sanded down the one on the left earlier last week, and today I tackled table number two.
Thursday {9.15.11}
I met up with Kathy, a dear friend of mine, for dinner tonight. We chatted and chatted and chatted and lost total track of time. It was 8:00 (no comments from the peanut gallery - we are mothers of small children; 8:00 is late!) before we knew it, and could have kept talking for several more hours. So glad to be close again so we can see each and visit more often.
(Forgot to snap a pic, so we'll fake a pose the next time we see each other.)
Friday {9.16.11}
It's a good thing I picked up this new pillow for Luci earlier this week. She ended up having to have a minor (but uncomfortable) procedure done today, and she spent the rest of the night cozied up on it. Such a sweet, pitiful girl.
Saturday {9.17.11}
It seems this week was full of "Minnesota Perks" - those things that have us so excited to be back in Minnesota and close to family for a while. Perry celebrated his 7th birthday today with a Bowling Party, and we were able to attend! The day included a Wii Bowling Tournament and a bowling pin pinata. It was awesome. Happy Birthday, Perry! We love you!

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