Halloween Costume Plan A:
Reed will use Drew's lion costume from two years ago (budget friendly...yay!).
Drew, since he's old enough to have his own opinion, will pick his own costume.
RESULT: Plan A fails. Drew doesn't want to dress up. He just wants to be "regular" for Halloween. After four hours of shopping at four different stores and coming home empty handed, Plan B is initiated.
Halloween Costume Plan B:
Reed will still be the lion.
I will attempt to make some kind of costume that Drew may not approve of, but he'll wear anyway. Ideas: Wizard costume from October issue of Family Fun magazine. Or Imagination Mover costume made from a blue jumpsuit.
RESULT: Plan B is put on the back burner when Uncle Justin calls...and comes to the rescue!
Halloween Costume Plan C:
Uncle Justin thinks Reed should be Yoda, while he's still little enough. After he sends me this link for the costume, I'm sold. I'm a sucker for cuteness.
And how cute would it be if Drew was a Star Wars character, too? I'm a sucker for themes! We worked though the possibilities and looked at costumes online, and we finally settled on Luke Skywalker. But I just couldn't bring myself to purchase a costume for upwards of $30. I confess that Halloween is probably my least favorite holiday, so spending an arm and a leg for it isn't my cup of tea. After gaining some inspiration from online, I figured it couldn't be that difficult to whip together our own Luke costume with a few odds and ends here and there.
RESULT: Hello, Luke Skywalker!

Tunic: a borrowed karate top from a friend.

Belt: one of Brad's old, broken ones - trimmed to size with a newly punched hole.

Khaki pants: found in Drew's dresser drawer.

Faux boots: wrapped corduroy fabric from Grammy's fabric stash.

Light Saber: $9 at Target.
How'd we do??

Drew's reaction to all of this? It took a lot of convincing. The light saber helped, and the whole you-can't-get-candy-if-you-don't-dress-up thing kind of got him, too. He was kind of a stinker getting dressed this morning for his Halloween party at school, but once he was ready, light saber in hand, I think he liked it. :)
Hero Action Moves: all his own!

Super cute...where's Yoda??