Sunday {1.16.11}
A new reality - Drew is starting to reach the age when he no longer requires a nap everyday; however, I still make daily "quiet time" (for him and for myself!) a must. Thankfully, after some quiet playing, he gets bored and/or tired, crawls into bed, and ends up falling asleep. On the days he doesn't snooze, he typically occupies himself with books and puzzles. Lots and lots of puzzles.

Monday {1.17.11}
I admit that it can be a bit dreadful when the boys wake from their naps (especially if they are too short!), and my alone and quiet time ends ... but these post-nap snuggles make it all the more bearable!

Tuesday {1.18.11}
I have ambition and drive and determination and craftiness on my brain and in my system right now. This was the first of three trips I made to Hobby Lobby this week. These parts will soon become Valentine's decor for our home. I can't wait to get started!

Wednesday {1.19.11}
Cuteness. Silliness. Goofiness. Giggles.
Because that's how we roll.

Thursday {1.20.11}
There isn't much that is more routine in our house than changing diapers. {After having a sore bottom a few weeks ago when he had the flu, Reed has become obsessed with baby powder. I don't know what it is about it, but he grabs the powder when he grabs a clean diaper. Crazy kid!}

Friday {1.21.11}
To you, this is just an ordinary bowl of pasta. To me, this is a major culinary accomplishment! I don't really enjoy cooking. And I'm not that good at it. {For the record - I do cook; my family does eat. But making dinner is not among my top favorite "chores".} I was asked to provide a dish for a funeral dinner at church today, and on a whim, I just whipped this baby together. No recipe. No real idea of what I was doing. But toss in a few ingredients and ~wa-lah!~ my very own Italian Pasta Salad! I feel like a whole new person!
Saturday {1.22.11}
Brad spent much of today at the hospital. He sat and prayed with an elderly couple from our church as the husband wasn't expected to live through the day. (He did pass away just before the dinner hour.) Often times I think we perceive something like this as just a part of the pastor's job, but as Brad told me today, it's a really intimate family moment. And to be invited into that family circle is such a privilege for him. {Not sure yet what I'll use for today's photo...}
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