Sunday {5.29.11}
I am so glad to finally have this project completed! I've been wanting to make cloth napkins for quite some time, and have had fabric purchased for a while. They have slowly been coming together, and this week I finally finished them! Now, onto the next project...

Monday {5.30.11}

Tuesday {5.31.11}
The boys' spent quite a while today playing "shopping." The family room was Walmart, the living room was the grocery store, and the kitchen was my house, where the boys brought me their purchases. When the kitchen was "full", they started using the bench to dump their "store" finds. Several times I heard Drew tell Reed, "No, we can't get that; it's not on sale." Ahhh...kid after my own heart! :)

Wednesday {6.1.11}
Summer is here! And the boys spent the afternoon breaking in the sprinkler.

Thursday {6.2.11}
Grandma and Grandpa arrived today for the weekend, and after an afternoon of reading books and playing games, the night concluded with some fun-loving cuddling.

Friday {6.3.11}
We had an awesome day enjoying the 95 degree heat! The boys spent much of the afternoon outside in the pool, and after dinner we had some more outdoor fun in the parking lot. Drew was able to get t-ball pointers from both Dad and Grandpa.

Saturday {6.4.11}
Drew's summer t-ball team.
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