Confession: These seven pictures were all taken on three different days, not seven. *shocker*
I am definitely not bored with documenting our daily life. I like taking pictures. I like capturing the little things. I like having an album filled with the things of "us". But the dailiness of it - I'm getting a little bored with. It's kind of silly to mark these photos Sunday through Saturday, when it all just really makes up the entire week, no matter what day they occurred on. BUTTTTTTT...because I'm an organizational nerd, I will keep labeling these by the day (or really, just pretend like these things happened on a certain day) for the remainder of this year, and for 2012 I will be considering doing "Pictures of the Week" instead of daily shots.
Anyway, just a little random babble to get you through your day. :)

Sunday {6.5.11}
Drew's current favorite game is Toy Story Operation, and Brad is taking advantage of his interest in it to begin teaching him some math. Specifically, counting by 5's. I'm sure glad Brad is taking on the "educational" aspect of raising our children. :)

Monday {6.6.11}
I was playing around with my camera today, trying to get some good profile shots of the boys. But neither would have any of you can see.

Tuesday {6.7.11}
Someone continues to exert his independence, refusing to sit in his booster chair for meals. Oh how can it be that he's already this big?!?!

Wednesday {6.8.11}
Drew's favorite part of Sesame Street is the closing credits when he mimics Elmo's best dance moves!

Thursday {6.9.11}
Drew's Tot Soccer Team
(There are quite a few more...I'm not sure where they went!)

Friday {6.10.11}
Special friends of ours took us out for ice cream at Double D's, the local ice cream shop. It was the first time we had been there (we've only lived here 4 1/2 years!) and it was a surprise when the boys' cones had faces on them! Thanks again, Val & Dave!
(Sorry this is so small...I don't know if I can resize

Saturday {6.11.11}
I had another case of insomnia earlier this week, and decided to burn the midnight oil in my scrapbook room. And I ended up neglecting all my household duties all week long to keep at it. I definitely needed some scrap therapy, and it felt soooo good to get back into the groove of it and get some pages finished. Now...I have some serious cleaning to do...
A few things I have to say...1.)I LOVE that the ice cream place is called "double d's" (I am so immature, and very inappropriate, I know!) 2.) Hooray for getting your scrapbook groove on, even if it meant neglecting the house. We need to "fill" ourselves once in a while instead of give, give, give ;) If you get the chance...DO IT!
ReplyDelete3.) you mentioned the Picture of the week idea, and it reminded me of something I read over at Ali Edwards Blog...
For her album, she really focuses on the week as a whole. LOVE this method. I may try it out. Thought you may enjoy reading through these posts if you haven't already. She is THE BOMB.
Sorry for the novel! :)
Great photos this week, I love the one with his feet dangling from the kitchen chair, he is getting big. I have a photo of my son just like that too and it always made me sad. Yippeeee for doing some scrapbooking, glad you stayed on a roll with it. Don't worry about the house being clean, the stories need to be told sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way with my POD so this year I decided to make it a weekly page and it's so much easier and more fun. This could be why it's all caught up still too, last year had some gaps in it. I also love adding extra page protectors and stuff (receipts, artwork, articles and such) into the album too and it's fun to have the variety. Good luck and don't worry if you don't have one everyday I'm sure a lot of us PL do that too.