Sunday {5.8.11}
Happy Mother's Day to me!

Monday {5.9.11}
For whatever reason, I could not sleep Sunday night. I got maybe 45 minutes of shut eye, and that was all. On the plus side, I got some things done. The down side was that when I finally crashed...I really crashed! I was so tired I fell into bed without bothering to put on the clean sheets it needed, and snuggled with one of the boys' friends.

Tuesday {5.10.11}
Drew and his class took a little field trip up the street to the neighborhood park during school today. This was how he looked when I picked him up. This doesn't so much document what he did today as much as it documents how easily this kid sweats. G.R.O.S.S.

Wednesday {5.11.11}
My best couponing trip to the grocery store yet! I saved 85% on this bill by using a coupon for every item I purchased, except the bread. The highlights: 24 free boxes of pasta (which will be donated, because who needs 24 boxes of pasta???), 7 free pouches of tuna, 9 cents for barbeque sauce, and 24 cents for cereal. Total cost for everything pictured: $19.59. Still not Extreme Couponing standards, but still very impressive!

Thursday {5.12.11}
We spent our weekend with Brad's family, and a trip to Pella in the spring requires a bit of Dutch costuming (remember last year?). They do look pretty darn cute. :)

Friday {5.13.11}
I'm not sure what Drew drank today, but whatever it was, it had a healthy dose of courage in it! He was a maniac on this jungle gym; here and there and everywhere without any hesitation or second glance. He faltered on the rock climbing wall, stating he just couldn't do it. It wasn't five minutes later we heard him exclaim, "Hey! Look at me!" as he was already half way up the rock wall! Summer at the park is going to be awesome!

Saturday {5.14.11}
Our reason for our trip to Iowa was to attend our niece's graduation party. Here we are with Elise. She was 9 when we got married. Holy cow am I getting old-er.
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