A sweet moment between brothers. See Drew reading to Reed here.

A date with Drew! He and I spent the afternoon shopping, primarily on the hunt for a Halloween costume for him. He didn't find one he liked, but he sure enjoyed the Culver's ice cream we splurged on! (Read more about our date here.)

Drew brought a special friend home with him from preschool today. Corduroy is one of three puppets that the preschool has for the kids to take home to care for and play with. He stayed with us for the week before he returned to school to go home with one of Drew's classmates. (Read all about Corduroy's week with us here.)

Brad's been drooling over these since they came out. I guess he thought he'd saved up enough money from all the weddings he's been performing lately...or the price was just too good to pass up...or he just couldn't wait any longer. :) He was pretty stoked when it was delivered today.

I love to bake, but I don't do it a lot because I'm usually the one that ends up eating all of whatever it is I've baked. My hips don't need that (nor does my stomach, thighs, backside...you get the point). But the too-gross-to-be-eaten bananas on the counter needed to be taken care of immediately. This was a much better alternative!

I figured now was a good time to show the contents of my purse. I rarely have to carry around the diaper bag anymore (although as you can see I carry an emergency diaper in my purse!), and I just switched out my summer purse for the winter season today. For comparison purposes, Brad's money clip is in the lower right hand corner. I carry all of that, and he carries four cards in that clip. At least I get a cutesy bag to hold all that stuff. :)

Brad and I got a babysitter and went out tonight, which we don't do as much as we should. We went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner, and then to a local church to hear Sara Groves sing. She is an amazing Christian singer/songwriter, and is by far, my favorite. It was such a treat to hear her live.

19 months old!

This is one of two fall decorations I have in my home. I'd like to do more, but time and creativity have been at a low lately. This bowl of pumpkins just makes me happy.

Drew's first Scholastic book order.

I'm catching more and more *short-lived* but sweet moments between these two. Sitting, eating, playing, reading, talking, goofing around. It's so sweet. And then one starts yelling. And then back to reality...

Our local temps are reaching the 40s at night, so it was time to get out the cuddly, fuzzy, warm jammies!

Brad took the morning off of work, and the four of us headed out to Apple Blossom Farm. It was a bit breezy and a little cool, but we had a great time together. We fed Jeremiah the donkey, saw some bunnies, played on the playground and wooden toys, and tried to take some pictures with the pumpkins. Tried. Have you ever noticed how children can be so uncooperative sometimes?? (Full post coming soon!)

I've rededicated myself to the treadmill. Located in our basement, I walk nightly after the boys have gone to bed. I've learned that the time passes the quickest if I'm watching something, and right now, I'm on season 4 of The Office.
I love the first Scholastic order photo. Too cute. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat shots. Wow...I'd love to see Sara in concert. I bet she was awesome♥
ReplyDeleteAnd I cant totally relate to your reasons NOT to bake!