There really is no better time to go to Pella than in the spring.
Early May, to be exact.
Dutch boys.

The little boys and I have been on the road the past few weekends, and this last weekend we were finally able to take Brad along with us. :) Our oldest niece, Elise, was celebrating her high school graduation with an open house on Saturday, the 14th, so we used this as an excuse to take a few extra days to enjoy time with Brad's family. We arrived at Brad's parents' house in Pella on Thursday, just in time for dinner. After stuffing ourselves silly with grilled Iowa pork chops, potatoes, salad, corn, and strawberries, we took a stroll to the park and enjoyed the beautiful spring sunshine. Both boys obliged to Grandma's request to don the Dutch costumes and take some photos (and as you can see, these may be the last photos we get of these two as those buttons appear to be bulging a bit!...and we were about a week past prime tulip viewing, but still quite stunning in number and beauty) before we headed across the street to the elementary school's playground.
Both boys were all over the place, covering every inch of that playground. And as I mentioned in this week's POTD post, Drew took a trip to the land of Oz and came back with a dose of the Lion's courage! He was a whole new kid. He literally attacked that jungle gym with excitement, a sense of adventure, and boldness, the likes of which I have never seen before in him. It was so fun to watch. He's becoming quite the little man. The little "I think I can" man.
After Brad enjoyed some golfing with his dad, and the boys, Grandma and I enjoyed some shopping and garage sale-ing on Friday morning, we set off for Des Moines to see more of Brad's family. The boys love playing with their older cousins. {Thank you to Lew, Lauren, and Ali for showering them with so much attention...because the boys pretty much demand it. ;) They adore all of you, so so much.} More delicious food, more meaningful conversations, more stories and laughter, and more and more and more.
It's always so nice to see our family. Their love, support, and encouragement are unparalleled.
They're pretty great people.
The picture with the purple tulips in the front and the windmill in the back and the boys in between is one of the best little-kids-in-Dutch-costumes-with-tulips pictures I have seen in a long time!