This morning, Drew said good-bye to what has been the very beginning of his formal school years.
Scratch that.
This morning, I said good-bye to what has been the very beginning of Drew's formal school years.
*deep breath...*
Moving along.
Drew's last day of 3-year-old preschool was Tuesday, but the two classes at his school celebrated today with a play day. It was scheduled to be outside at Riverfront Park (where the ground fountains are), but due to rainy, chilly weather (55 degrees this morning!), the play day was relocated to the classrooms at school.
Thankfully, Drew didn't seem to mind this (although, truth be told, he probably didn't care where he played; he just wanted to be sure I was going to be there). He and his best buddy, Gage, ended up playing together the entire hour, putting together a train track...

from one end of the room to another.

(Family was invited to join the kiddos as they played and partied, so Reed and I joined in the festivities.)

Then there was some singing and dancing...

...before the teachers dished out the celebratory ice cream. Before 11am. Oy!
I cannot even put into words the appreciation and gratitude I have for Hobby Horse Preschool, Mrs. Bland, and Mrs. Cindy. Drew is an entirely different kid than he was 9 months ago.

First Day of School
September 8, 2010
He is probably a bit taller, and a tish slimmed down (losing more of that baby fat every day!), but that's not what I'm talking about. His social skills are booming, and he's just so smart! :)
*He is more independent.
*He is willing to play with others; not just mom.
*He talks about, and cares about, his friends.
*His vocabulary is insane.
*He engages in imaginative play.
*He's reached appropriate milestones, like letter identification, writing his name, cutting with scissors, etc.

YAY for Mrs. Bland!

YAY for Gage!
YAY for preschool!
(Now, when does school start again?!?!)
Thanks so much for sharing Lesley. Love to look at the pictures and read about the boys adventures.